Writing Center

the platform that will contribute to your academic success and linguistic excellence in English. The Writing Center welcomes students from all majors to improve their understanding and communication skills in English and enhance the quality of their writing for different purposes

Center for learning excellence

Our Mission

The Writing Center is a part of the Center for Learning Excellence in AUI. The center provides certified tutors who are dedicated to assisting their peers become strong writers by following the Socratic methods of tutoring. Students are encouraged to use the services provided by the Writing Center to sharpen their writing skills regardless of their levels or academic disciplines.

The Writing Center’s primary goal is to enhance students’ academic writing skills and help them become better writers. Through peer tutoring, tutors and tutees can sharpen their skills and strengthen their confidence as writers, and thus, realize their full academic and creative potential together.

Our Writing Tutors Are Trained

The Writing Center provides highly qualified and trained tutors for students. Our tutors get through a comprehensive training process before they can assist their tutees with their writing weaknesses and difficulties.


Our Peer Mentoring Program is Certified!

The Center for Learning Excellence has been granted a five years certification for both our tutoring and our mentoring services by the CRLA. The College of Reading and Learning Association (CRLA) is an American based organization whose mission is “to provide a forum for the interchange of ideas, methods, and information to improve student learning and to facilitate the professional growth of its members.” We are currently the only center in Africa and the Middle East that holds the following stage three certifications: The International Tutor Training Program Certification (ITTPC) as well as The International Mentor Training Program Certification (IMTPC). To know that we get to keep this tittle until 2024 is truly a privilege that reflects the hard work of our team and the enormous support of the AUI community. 

How to prepare for a session?

Come prepared for your session and make it even more fruitful! It is highly recommended by our tutors to prepare before you come to the session in order to achieve the desired outcome by the end of the session.

Preparing questions will help you identify the difficulties you have and make the tutor aware of the main themes they will have to cover with you.

By doing that, you will also help directing your tutor towards assisting you skills you need to succeed your assignment.

Your professor’s feedback is very important as he or she is the one who will be grading your work. This will help you and your tutor remain on the right track to improve the quality of the writing.

The role of the tutor is not to grade your assignments or assess them the same way your professor will. Your mentor is there to help you sharpen your skills and detect your weaknesses without grading your work.